How can I simplify my code below without the hassle of updating the date every single day?
=COUNTIFS(Sheet2!A2:A5797,">=1/3/2019 7:00",Sheet2!A2:A5797,"<=1/3/2019 8:00",Sheet2!D2:D5797,"Resolved")
I should have a result when 3 conditions are met, like the time, date, and status(Resolved).
First I would suggest feeding the date-times as parameters, say:
so the results are determined by what you put in cells, rather than how you adapt a formula.
Then you might split dates and times as it seems it may only be the date you wish to change, thus say:
I1: =E1+F1
and J1: =G1+H1
where E1 and G1 are dates and F1 and H1 times.
Then if the times are always during the same day as one another: G1: =E1
And if some automation is required, possibly:
E1:- =today()
, or perhaps =today()+n
, where n is an integer offset of choice.