I have two wrapper classes for string and int and one to represent Binary Operation and overloading the operator <<
to write them in a string format. Unfortunately, I can't overload <<
without friend
function and I can't get polymorphism without virtual
and can't use friend
with virtual
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class AST {};
class expr: public AST {};
class operator_: public AST {};
class BinOp: public expr {
expr *_left;
expr *_right;
operator_ *_op;
BinOp(expr *p_left, expr *p_right, operator_ *p_op):_left(p_left),_right(p_right),_op(p_op) {}
friend std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BinOp &binop) {
out << (binop._left) << " " << (binop._op) << " " << (binop._right);
class LShift: public operator_ {
LShift() {}
friend std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LShift &lshift) {
out << "<<";
class Name: public expr {
std::string _id;
Name(std::string p_id) { _id = p_id; }
friend std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Name &name) {
out << name._id;
class Num: public expr {
int n;
Num(int p_n) { n = p_n; }
friend std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Num &num) {
out << num.n;
int main() {
auto name = Name("x");
auto num = Num(5);
auto lshift = LShift();
auto binop = BinOp(&name, &num, &lshift);
std::cout << binop << '\n';
return 0;
So the program mentioned above outputs the pointer,
0x7ffd05935db0 0x7ffd05935d8b 0x7ffd05935d8c
but instead of a pointer, I need the objects needed to print.
x << 5
In general, having operator overloading an polymorphism in the same class is an indication that you're mixing value-style classes and identity-style classes, and thus a C++-specific code smell.
But I would say that the stream insertion operator is an exception.
The solution is to overload the operator once, and forward to a function that is more amenable to overriding.
class AST {
virtual void print(std::ostream& s) const = 0;
virtual ~AST() {} // you probably want this one too
// no need for friendliness
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const AST& node) {
return s;
And then you put the actual printing logic into the print
overrides of each class.
But I also feel the need to remark that your AST
class doesn't seem useful. There is really nothing an operator and a binary expression have in common. It's also conceptually wrong to say that an operator or an expression is an abstract syntax tree. An expression is a part of an AST, a single node in the tree. An operator is a part of an expression. The entire tree is something different.
You should have separate hierarchy roots for operator_
and expr
. And yes, that probably means you have to do the printing stuff twice. It's worth it.