I plan on writing an automated bot for a game.
The tricky part is figuring out how they encoded their protocol... To make the bot run around is easy, simply make the character run and record what it does in wireshark. However, interpreting the environment is more difficult... It recieves about 5 packets each second if you are idle, hence lots of garbarge.
My plan: Because the game runs under TCP, I will use freecap (http://www.freecap.ru/eng) to force the game to connect to a proxy running on my machine. I will need this proxy to be capable of packet injection, or perhaps a server that is capable of resending captured packets. This way I can recreate and tinker around with what the server sends, and understand their protocol encoding.
OR, is there a better way to decipher this here? Possibly a dissasembly strategy (via hooking a winsock function and starting the dissassembly from there) ? I have not done this before so I am not sure. OR , any other ideas?
Network traffic interception and protocol analysis is generally a less favored method to accomplish your goal here. For most modern games, encryption is a serious factor, and there are serious headaches associated with the protocol analysis for any but trivial factors of the most common gameplay scenarios.
Most modern implementations* of what you are trying to do rely on reading and manipulating the memory space and process of a running client. The client will have already done all the hard parts for you, including decrypting the traffic and sorting it into far more easy to read data structures. For interacting with the server you can call functions built into the client instead of crafting entire series of packets from scratch. The plus to this approach is that you have to do far less work to interpret the data and produce activity. The minus is that there is often some data in the network traffic that would be useful to a bot but is discarded by the client, or that you may want to send traffic to the server that the client cannot produce (which, in my own well-developed hierarchy for such, is a few steps farther down the "cheating" slope).
*...I say this having seen the evolution of the majority of MMORPG botting/hacking communities from network protocol analyzers like ShowEQ and Odin's Eye / Excalibur to memory-based applications like MacroQuest and InnerSpace. On that note, InnerSpace provides an excellent extensible framework for the memory/process-based variant of what you are attempting, and you should look into it as a basis for your project if you abandon the network analysis approach.