Can't install earlier Phoenix version (eg. 1.3.4) than latest stable (eg. 1.4.0) with mix archive.install command.
Solution not achieved according to this thread:
$ mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.3.4
** (Mix) No matching version for phx_new 1.3.4 (from: mix.exs) in registry
The latest version is: 1.4.0
Try to install some earlier Phoenix versions along Latest Release in ASDF Version Manager.
Following CLI command installed only latest release (eg. 1.4.0-dev.0):
$ mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.4.0-dev.0
Get an workaround to install any specific earlier Phoenix Releases (eg. 1.3.4) with following CLI commands:
$ mix archive.install
PS. Solution helped me to install different Phoenix versions with different ASDF Elixir versions.