I need to encrypt and decrypt txt-file with DES-ofb (libcrypto) using OpenSSL library, the key and Init Vector is given in one bin.file(key+iv). But after the decryption via EVP_DecryptUpdate(), decrypted text and plain text are not similar at all.
So I read plain.txt 8 bytes and a 'keyandIV.bin' files. Than I took first 8 bytes from keyandIVbuffer as a KEY for DES and the rest as IV. So I have 8 bytes key and 8 bytes IV, added '\0' at the end of both (Do I need '\0' here ? Key length must be 64 or 56 bits?).
This is my code for ercryption with DES ofb:
int howmany = 0, final1;
const EVP_CIPHER *CIPHER_TYPE = EVP_des_ofb();
EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx_encrypt = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
EVP_EncryptInit(ctx_encrypt, CIPHER_TYPE, keybuf1, ivbuf1);
if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx_encrypt, ciphertextbuf1, &howmany, plaintextbuf1, plainlength1))return -1;
if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx_encrypt, ciphertextbuf1, &howmany, plaintextbuf1, plainlength1)) return -1;
EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx_encrypt, ciphertextbuf1 + howmany , &final1);
Than I took the encrypted buffer und decrypt it so:
int final2;
EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx_decrypt = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new();
EVP_DecryptInit(ctx_decrypt, CIPHER_TYPE, keybuf1, ivbuf1);
if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx_decrypt, decryptedtext, &howmany, ciphertextbuf1, strlen(ciphertextbuf1))) return -1;
if(!EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx_decrypt, decryptedtext + howmany, &final2)) return -1;
I definetly have understanding problem with DES. Maybe I did something wrong by creatimg key and IV from one file.I have seen plenty of examples but I still don't understand what I did wrong in my program.
The decryption sequence is EVP_DecryptInit_ex()
, EVP_DecryptUpdate()
and EVP_DecryptFinal_ex()
. This follows EVP_EncryptInit_ex()
, EVP_EncryptUpdate()
and EVP_EncryptFinal_ex()
. In your code you are calling EVP_EncryptFinal_ex()
to decrypt, so obviously that's not going to work. Also, if something went wrong during an operation an error code should have been printed out to stderr.