I've been reading some Golang code from github.com/lib/pq which provides drivers for interacting with a postgres database.
Among the code I came across this:
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
_ = cn.cancel()
finished <- struct{}{}
case <-finished:
The cancel function looks like:
func (cn *conn) cancel() error
As far as I can tell, the underscore isn't being used as a static assertion about a type (and therefore the compiler doesn't evaluate any side effects as far as I can see (as in this example)) and it isn't a second parameter whereby the author may want to discard it.
In summary: Why assign the result of the cancel function (the error) to an underscore?
Code must be correct. To be sure that code is correct, code must be readable.
The First Rule of Go: Check for errors.
func (cn *conn) cancel() error
If I write
did I forget to check for errors or did I decide to discard the error value?
However, if I write
_ = cn.cancel()
I did not forget to check for errors and I did decide to discard the error value.
The Go Programming Language Specification
Blank identifier
The blank identifier is represented by the underscore character _. It serves as an anonymous placeholder instead of a regular (non-blank) identifier and has special meaning in declarations, as an operand, and in assignments.
The blank identifier provides a way to ignore right-hand side values in an assignment: