I have an entity (Person) which is a OneToOne to another entity (User). I need to find all Person entities which match User.name using CriteriaQuery.
I can do simple CriteriaQuery for direct attributes of Person just fine:
builder.like(builder.lower(root.get(column)), "%" + pattern.toLowerCase() + "%")
I'm a bit lost on how to do CriteriaQuery queries in this more complex case. From my searches here and elsewhere I think I have to use some kind of Join but I can't get my head wrapped around it.
public class Person extends ModelCore {
private String iD = null;
@OneToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL })
@JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(name = "T_User") })
private User user = null;
public class User extends ModelCore {
private String iD = null;
private String name = null;
public class ModelCore{
private Long dbID = null;
Nikos's solution works great (thank you!):
String username = ... // the criterion
EntityManager em = ...
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> query = cb.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> root = query.from(Person.class);
Join<Person, User> joinUser = root.join("user");
query.where(cb.like(cb.lower(joinUser.get("name")), "%" + username.toLowerCase() + "%"));
Edit 1: Added ModelCore as base class. Edit 2: Add working solution
Criteria API can be confusing as complexity grows. The first step I always follow is to write down the JPQL query. In this case:
FROM Person p
JOIN User u
WHERE LOWER(u.name) LIKE :username
Translating this to Criteria API is:
// These are initializations
String username = ... // the criterion
EntityManager em = ...
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
// Next line means "the result of the query is Person"
CriteriaQuery<Person> query = cb.createQuery(Person.class);
// This matches the "FROM Person p" part of the JPQL
Root<Person> root = query.from(Person.class);
// This matches the "JOIN User u" part of the JPQL
Join<Person, User> joinUser = root.join("user"); // if you have created the metamodel, adjust accordingly
// This is the "WHERE..." part
query.where(cb.like(cb.lower(joinUser.get("name")), "%" + username.toLowerCase() + "%"));
The WHERE part is confusing because you have to convert the infix SQL/JPQL operators to prefix (i.e. x LIKE y
becomes cb.like(x, y)
), but the mapping is straightforward.