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OpenShift import-image fails when behind corporate proxy

When i run

oc import-image centos:7 --confirm true

I am getting

The import completed with errors.

Name:                   centos
Namespace:              pd-kube-ci
Created:                Less than a second ago
Labels:                 <none>
Docker Pull Spec:       docker-registry.default.svc:5000/pd-kube-ci/centos
Image Lookup:           local=false
Unique Images:          0
Tags:                   1

  tagged from centos:7

  ! error: Import failed (InternalError): Internal error occurred: Get proxyconnect tcp: EOF
      Less than a second ago

error: tag 7 failed: Internal error occurred: Get proxyconnect tcp: EOF

For the life of me, i cannot find the source of proxyconnect tcp: EOF. Its not found anywhere in the OpenShift/Kubernetes source. Google knows next to nothing about that.

I have also verified that i can docker pull centos from each node (including master and infra nodes). Its only when openshift tries to pull that image.

Any ideas?


  • Turns out it was a mis-configuration in our openshift_https_proxy ansible var. Specifically we had:


    And we should have had


    To fix this, we had to edit /etc/origin/master/master.env on the masters and /etc/sysconfig/docker on all nodes, then restart per the Working with HTTP Proxies documentation.