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Wildcard and type pameter bounds in java

Consider this case:

class A {}

class B<T extends A, E extends T> {
    B<?, A> b;
    B<?, ? extends A> b2;

As I understand type bounds, in this case effective upper bounds of both T and E is class A. So the question: why javac doesn't accept class A as argument in declaration of field b, but accepts wildcard ? extends A in declaration of field b2?


  • With the following classes:

    class A {}
    class C extends A {}
    class B<T extends A, E extends T> {}

    Think of it like this:

    E extends T extends A
    With B<?,A> then T -> ? and E -> A
    A extends ? extends A
    Where the ? could be any subclass of A, let's say C.
    A extends C extends A is clearly invalid.
    So that's why it's a compile error.

    Note for Eclipse users:

    Eclipse 4.9.0 compiler disagreed with javac 8u and Intellij and did not emit a compile error for the generic arguments in B<?,A>. I assume this is a bug in the Eclipse compiler but I have not consulted the JLS to confirm this.

    class B<T extends A, E extends T> {
        B<?, A> b; // <-- Eclipse does NOT emit a compile error
        B<?, ? extends A> b2;

    This assumed bug has been reported here.