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Javadoc comments in module-info

The Java 9 modules feature adds (higher-level) module-info files in addition to the package-info files that existed previously. Can (source-code) files include marked-up comments that the JavaDoc tool will extract and present (usefully) as module-level documentation?


  • Yes. And the tags supported at module declaration are:

    Module Declaration

    {@author}, {@deprecated}, {@provides}, {@see}, {@since}, {@serialField}, {@uses}, {@version}
    {@code}, {@docRoot}, {@index}, {@link}, {@linkplain}, {@literal}, {@summary}

    Source:- Documentation Comment Specification for the Standard doclet

    Amongst these, the newly introduced tags you might further be interested in are :

    1. @index
    2. @summary

    and then module specific

    1. @provides
    2. @uses