I am writing a results output module for a high speed computing program.
My plan is:
While the results looks like this:
And the table in database looks like this:
The following present the code for creating the table in database:
create table AgentCF(
PlanID int4,
Agent int4,
Senario int4,
RM_Prev float8[], DrvFac_Cur float8[], Prem float8[],
Comm float8[], CommOR float8[], FixExp float8[],
VarExp float8[], CIRCFee float8[], SaftyFund float8[],
Surr float8[], Benefit_1 float8[], Benefit_2 float8[],
Benefit_3 float8[], Benefit_4 float8[], Benefit_5 float8[],
Benefit_6 float8[], Benefit_7 float8[], Benefit_8 float8[],
Benefit_9 float8[], Benefit_10 float8[]
Presenting code for function that prepare the inserted CashFlow:
void AsmbCF(char *buffer, int size, int ProdNo, int i, int Pos, int LineEnd)
int j, Step = sizeof(nodecf) / sizeof(double), PosST, Temp;
double *LoopRate = &AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.AgentRes[i].CF.NodeCF[0].Prem;
strcpy_s(buffer, size, "{");
for (j = 0; j < TOTLEN / 10; j++) {
PosST = j * 10 * Step + Pos;
sprintf_s(&buffer[strlen(buffer)], size - strlen(buffer), "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,",
LoopRate[PosST + 1 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 2 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 3 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 4 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 5 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 6 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 7 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 8 * Step],
LoopRate[PosST + 9 * Step]
Temp = j * 10;
PosST = Temp * Step + Pos;
sprintf_s(&buffer[strlen(buffer)], size - strlen(buffer), "%f", LoopRate[PosST]);
Temp = Temp + 1;
for (j = Temp; j < TOTLEN; j++) {
PosST = j * Step + Pos;
sprintf_s(&buffer[strlen(buffer)], size - strlen(buffer), ",%f", LoopRate[PosST]);
if (LineEnd) {
strcat_s(buffer, size, "}\n");
else {
strcat_s(buffer, size, "}\t");
The following are the code for speed testing:
void ThreadOutP(LPVOID pM)
char *buffer = malloc(BUFFLEN), sql[SQLLEN];
int Status, ProdNo = (int)pM, i, j, ben;
PGconn *conn = NULL;
PGresult *res;
clock_t begin, end;
fprintf_s(fpOutP, "PlanID %d Start inseting...\n", AllHeap[ProdNo].PlanID);
begin = clock();
DBConn(&conn, CONNSTR, fpOutP);
#pragma region General cashflow
//============================== Data Query ==============================
//strcpy_s(&sql[0], SQLLEN, "COPY AgentCF(PlanID,Agent,Senario,Prem,Comm,CommOR,CIRCFee,SaftyFund,FixExp,VarExp,Surr");
//for (ben = 1; ben <= AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.TotNo.NoBenft; ben++) {
// strcat_s(&sql[0], SQLLEN, ",Benefit_");
// _itoa_s(ben, &sql[strlen(sql)], sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql), 10);
//strcat_s(&sql[0], SQLLEN, ") FROM STDIN;");
//res = PQexec(conn, &sql[0]);
//if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COPY_IN) {
// fprintf_s(fpOutP, "Not in COPY_IN mode\n");
//============================== Data Apply ==============================
for (i = 0; i < AllHeap[ProdNo].MaxAgntPos + AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.TotNo.NoSensi; i++) {
sprintf_s(buffer, BUFFLEN, "%d\t%d\t%d\t", AllHeap[ProdNo].PlanID, AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.AgentRes[i].Agent, AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.AgentRes[i].Sensi);
//Status = PQputCopyData(conn, buffer, (int)strlen(buffer));
//if (1 != Status) {
// fprintf_s(fpOutP, "PlanID %d inserting error for agent %d\n", AllHeap[ProdNo].PlanID, AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.AgentRes[i].Agent);
for (j = 0; j < 8 + AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.TotNo.NoBenft; j++) {
if (j == 7 + AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.TotNo.NoBenft) {
AsmbCF(buffer, BUFFLEN, ProdNo, i, j, 1);
else {
AsmbCF(buffer, BUFFLEN, ProdNo, i, j, 0);
//Status = PQputCopyData(conn, buffer, (int)strlen(buffer));
//if (1 != Status) {
// fprintf_s(fpOutP, "PlanID %d inserting error for agent %d\n", AllHeap[ProdNo].PlanID, AllHeap[ProdNo].Heap.AgentRes[i].Agent);
//Status = PQputCopyEnd(conn, NULL);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region K cashflow
#pragma endregion
end = clock();
fprintf_s(fpOutP, "PlanID %d inserted, total %d rows inserted, %d millisecond cost\n", AllHeap[ProdNo].PlanID, i, end - begin);
AllHeap[ProdNo].Printed = 1;
Please note that I disable the code that involving inserting.
The tested results are:
So the most of the cost lie on converting double to char.
Therefore I would like to ask if there is a faster way of converting series of double into string, because compare to the calculation cost, the bottleneck actually is the outputting of results.
By the way, my platform is Windows 10, PostgreSQL 11, Visual Studio 2017.
Thanks a lot!
fast method to convert large amount of double to string
For full double
range application, use sprintf(buf, "%a", some_double)
. If decimal output required, use "%e"
Any other code will only be faster if it is comprises accuracy or allowable input range somehow.
The usual approach is to convert double x
to some wide scaled integer and convert that to a string. This implies limitations on x
not clearly expressed yet by OP.
Even if some other approaches appears faster, it may not be faster as code evolves or is ported.
What OP needs to post is speed test code for objective performance assessment.