I am trying to run PostgreSQL native query that contains ltree
functions and operators.
Here's the definition:
name = "pathSegmentQuery",
query = "select ltree2text(okm_path) as okm_path, " +
" index(okm_path, text2ltree(:lastSegment)) + 2 <> nlevel(okm_path) as haschild, " +
" case " +
" when index(okm_path, text2ltree(:lastSegment)) + 1 <> nlevel(okm_path) " +
" then ltree2text(subpath(okm_path, index(okm_path, text2ltree(:lastSegment)) + 1, 1)) " +
" end as child " +
"from document " +
"where okm_path ~ :pathLike " +
"and " +
"index(okm_path, text2ltree(:path)) + 1 <> nlevel(okm_path) ",
resultSetMapping = "pathSegmentQueryRSMapping")
invoked like:
public List<PathSegment> getPathChildren(String path, String lastSegment) {
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("pathSegmentQuery");
String pathLike = "'*." + path + ".*'";
query.setParameter("path", path);
query.setParameter("pathLike", pathLike);
query.setParameter("lastSegment", lastSegment);
return query.getResultList();
result is error ERROR: operator does not exist: ltree ~ character varying
when I try to run the query directly against database it runs ok:
select ltree2text(okm_path) as okm_path,
index(okm_path, text2ltree('_root_')) + 2 <> nlevel(okm_path) as haschild,
when index(okm_path, text2ltree('_root_')) + 1 <> nlevel(okm_path)
then ltree2text(subpath(okm_path, index(okm_path, text2ltree('_root_')) + 1, 1))
end as child
from document
okm_path ~ '*._root_.*'
index(okm_path, text2ltree('_root_')) + 1 <> nlevel(okm_path)
from the error it's obvious that hibernate(?) dislikes the type on the right side of th ~
operator, but as you can see, I am using the string in the later query and works fine.
So what do I need to do with hibernate query to run the query successfully?
when I replace okm_path ~ :pathLike
for "where okm_path ~ '*._root_.*' "
I will be given:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at position 0
hibernate: 5.2.9.Final
postgresql: 9.2.23
it turned out that there is lquery()
function that needs to be called when you do operations against lquery.
so my query translates to
where okm_path ~ lquery(:pathLike)
and this solves the problem