I'm having an issue with adding proper examples to hapi-swagger with Joi. When I add .example('') to either the response schema or validate { payload: {} } it's adding an additional obj with a value.
response: {
schema: Joi.object().keys({
name: Joi.string().example('Coinbase'),
baseCurrency: Joi.string()
.valid('USD', 'EUR', 'MXN', 'ETH', 'LTH', 'BTC'),
validate: {
payload: Joi.object().keys({
name: Joi.string().required(),
baseCurrency: Joi.string().required(),
What I expect is on the example value to have
{ "name": "Coinbase", "baseCurrency": "USD" }
{ "name": { "value": "Coinbase" }, "baseCurrency": { "value": "USD" } }
Downgrade joi to v13.
Track issue on hapi-swagger github: https://github.com/glennjones/hapi-swagger/issues/540