I come across HasThis
and ExplicitThis
calling conventions on .NET Framework reference source, and thus I begin to wonder:
MSDN has described them as:
Specifies that the signature is a function-pointer signature, representing a call to an instance or virtual method (not a static method). If
is set,HasThis
must also be set. The first argument passed to the called method is still athis
pointer, but the type of the first argument is now unknown. Therefore, a token that describes the type (or class) of thethis
pointer is explicitly stored into its metadata signature.
Specifies an instance or virtual method (not a static method). At run-time, the called method is passed a pointer to the target object as its first argument (the
pointer). The signature stored in metadata does not include the type of this first argument, because the method is known and its owner class can be discovered from metadata.
Here is a sample program I wrote to generate a class and constructor using these bits set:
const string FileName = "MyDynamicLib.dll";
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName: "MyAssembly");
AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = currentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(
name : assemblyName,
access: AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave
ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(
name : "MyModule",
fileName : FileName,
emitSymbolInfo: true
TypeBuilder typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(
name: "MyClass",
attr: TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit
ConstructorBuilder constructorBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineConstructor(
attributes : MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName,
callingConvention: CallingConventions.HasThis | CallingConventions.ExplicitThis,
parameterTypes : null
constructorBuilder.GetILGenerator().Emit(opcode: OpCodes.Ret);
assemblyFileName : FileName,
portableExecutableKind: PortableExecutableKinds.Required32Bit,
imageFileMachine : ImageFileMachine.I386
What is known so far:
It is not possible to change method's calling convention using C# syntax. This is only possible at IL level, also using Reflection emit API.
and Standard
are the most commonly used, there is no need to explain these.
bit, on the other hand, it is set for __arglist
static void VariadicMethod(__arglist)
I will try to answer carefully because it's one of the most less clear subject in ECMA but maybe I will be able to shed some light on this.
You can skip to "Back to your question" section to see the final answer.
The answer is a little long because I want to bring a reference so instead of writing my opinion I'll quote. I hope it will be understandable enough. If not, I'll edit the answer with more explanations.
The emphases in quotations are mine. Some quotes were cut.
The EXPLICITTHIS (0x40) bit can be set only in signatures for function pointers: signatures whose MethodDefSig is preceded by FNPTR
From CoreCLR
EXPLICITTHIS and native call convs are for stand-alone sigs only (for calli)
Function pointers is a way to call unmanaged methods.
Unmanaged methods can also be called via function pointers.
Function pointers can be called via calli
Method pointer shall store the address of the entry point to a method whose signature is
the type of the method pointer. A method can be called by using a method pointer with thecalli
More about it
Correct CIL requires that the function pointer contains the address of a method whose signature is
method-signature compatible-with
that specified bycallsitedescr
and that the arguments correctly correspond to the types of the destination function’s this pointer, if required, and parameters. For the purposes of signature matching, the HASTHIS and EXPLICITTHIS flags are ignored; all other items must be identical in the two signatures.
instruction includes acall site description
that includes information about the native calling convention that should be used to invoke the method. Correct CIL code shall specify a calling convention in thecalli
instruction that matches the calling convention for the method that is being called.
Call site description
Ccall site description (represented as a metadata token for a
stand-alone call signature
) that provides: • The number of arguments being passed. • The data type of each argument. • The order in which they have been placed on the call stack. • The native calling convention to be used
Method-signature-compatible-with mean
A method signature type T is method-signature compatible-with a method signature type U if and only if: 1. For each signature, independently, if the signature is for an instance method it carries the type of this. [Note: This is always true for the signatures of instance method pointers produced by ldvirtftn instruction. 2. The calling conventions of T and U shall match exactly, ignoring the distinction between static and instance methods (i.e., the this parameter, if any, is not treated specially).
- When are they set by compiler?
- Are there any examples using this combination of calling conventions (in "real world" managed program)?
can be using only when calling function pointers via calli
AFAIK the C# compiler not generating calli
instruction, so you will not see any C# code that set this bit.
C# compiler won't generate calli instructions
EXPLICITTHIS and native call convs are for stand-alone sigs only (for calli)