I have the following policies:
var sharedBulkhead = Policy.BulkheadAsync(
maxParallelization: maxParallelizations,
maxQueuingActions: maxQueuingActions,
onBulkheadRejectedAsync: (context) =>
Log.Info($"Bulk head rejected => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}");
return TaskHelper.EmptyTask;
var retryPolicy = Policy.Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException)).WaitAndRetryAsync(
retryCount: maxRetryCount,
sleepDurationProvider: attempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, attempt)),
onRetryAsync: (exception, calculatedWaitDuration, retryCount, context) =>
Log.Error($"Retry => Count: {retryCount}, Wait duration: {calculatedWaitDuration}, Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}, Exception: {exception}.");
return TaskHelper.EmptyTask;
var circuitBreaker = Policy.Handle<Exception>(e => (e is HttpRequestException)).CircuitBreakerAsync(
exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking: maxExceptionsBeforeBreaking,
durationOfBreak: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(circuitBreakDurationSeconds),
onBreak: (exception, timespan, context) =>
Log.Error($"Circuit broken => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}, Exception: {exception}");
onReset: (context) =>
Log.Info($"Circuit reset => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}");
var fallbackForCircuitBreaker = Policy<bool>
fallbackValue: false,
onFallbackAsync: (b, context) =>
Log.Error($"Operation attempted on broken circuit => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}");
return TaskHelper.EmptyTask;
var fallbackForAnyException = Policy<bool>
fallbackAction: (ct, context) => { return Task.FromResult(false); },
onFallbackAsync: (e, context) =>
Log.Error($"An unexpected error occured => Policy Wrap: {context.PolicyWrapKey}, Policy: {context.PolicyKey}, Endpoint: {context.OperationKey}");
return TaskHelper.EmptyTask;
var resilienceStrategy = Policy.WrapAsync(retryPolicy, circuitBreaker, sharedBulkhead);
var policyWrap = fallbackForAnyException.WrapAsync(fallbackForCircuitBreaker.WrapAsync(resilienceStrategy));
I execute the policy like so:
Task.Run(() =>
foreach (var changeMessage in changeMessages)
policyWrap.ExecuteAsync((context) => CallApi(changeMessage), new Context(endPoint));
No retries happen after the first call to fallbackForCircuitBreaker
. I want the retries to happen as per the wait duration regardless of the state the circuit is in.
Why doesn't this work?
No retries happen after the first call to fallbackForCircuitBreaker. I want the retries to happen as per the wait duration regardless of the state the circuit is in.
The retry policy is not configured to handle BrokenCircuitException
, only HttpRequestException
To make the retry policy retry also for BrokenCircuitException
, configure the policy:
var retryPolicy = Policy
.WaitAndRetryAsync( /* etc */ );
Note: If only the above change is made, the sequencing of policies in the PolicyWrap
posted in the question:
.., fallbackForCircuitBreaker, retryPolicy, circuitBreaker, sharedBulkhead
will mean fallbackForCircuitBreaker
will only be invoked if all retries fail, and if the last retry fails with BrokenCircuitException
. See PolicyWrap documentation.