I need to obtain the same output obtained with the following code, but without using BioPython. I'm stuck... Anyone could help me? Thanks!!!
from Bio import SeqIO
records = SeqIO.parse("data/assembledSeqs.fa", "fasta")
for i, seq_record in enumerate(records):
print("Sequence %d:" % i)
print("Number of A's: %d" % seq_record.seq.count("A"))
print("Number of C's: %d" % seq_record.seq.count("C"))
print("Number of G's: %d" % seq_record.seq.count("G"))
print("Number of T's: %d" % seq_record.seq.count("T"))
The FASTA file looks like this:
>chr12_9180206_+:chr12_118582391_+:a1;2 total_counts: 115 Seed: 4 K: 20 length: 79
>chr12_9180206_+:chr12_118582391_+:a2;2 total_counts: 135 Seed: 4 K: 20 length: 80
>chr1_8969882_-:chr1_568670_-:a1;113 total_counts: 7600 Seed: 225 K: 20 length: 86
>chr1_8969882_-:chr1_568670_-:a2;69 total_counts: 6987 Seed: 197 K: 20 length: 120
I've tried that, but doesn't work at all
def count_bases (fasta_file_name):
with open(fasta_file_name) as file_content:
for seqs in file_content:
if seqs.startswith('>'):
for i, seq in enumerate('>'):
print("Sequence %d:" % i)
print("Number of A's: %d" % seqs.count("A"))
print("Number of C's: %d" % seqs.count("C"))
print("Number of G's: %d" % seqs.count("G"))
print("Number of T's: %d" % seqs.count("T"))
return bases
result = count_bases('data/assembledSeqs.fa')
This will work. First we want to parse your fasta file into headers and sequences, then flatten the list of lists of sequences to a list of strings, then count the number of each nucleotide in the string, then print:
import sys
fasta = sys.argv[1]
def fastaParser(infile):
seqs = []
headers = []
with open(infile) as f:
sequence = ""
header = None
for line in f:
if line.startswith('>'):
if header:
sequence = ""
header = line[1:]
sequence += line.rstrip()
return headers, seqs
headers, seqs = fastaParser(fasta)
flat_seqs = [item for sublist in seqs for item in sublist]
def countNucs(instring):
# will count upper and lower case sequences, if do not want lower case remove .upper()
g = instring.upper().count('G')
c = instring.upper().count('C')
a = instring.upper().count('A')
t = instring.upper().count('T')
return 'G = {}, C = {}, A = {}, T = {}'.format(g, c, a, t)
for header, seq in zip(headers, flat_seqs):
print(header, countNucs(seq))
using your example fasta to run on the command-line:
[me]$ python3.5 fasta.py infasta.fa
chr12_9180206_+:chr12_118582391_+:a1;2 total_counts: 115 Seed: 4 K: 20 length: 79 G = 24, C = 17, A = 14, T = 24
chr12_9180206_+:chr12_118582391_+:a2;2 total_counts: 135 Seed: 4 K: 20 length: 80 G = 16, C = 30, A = 17, T = 17
chr1_8969882_-:chr1_568670_-:a1;113 total_counts: 7600 Seed: 225 K: 20 length: 86 G = 12, C = 31, A = 27, T = 16
chr1_8969882_-:chr1_568670_-:a2;69 total_counts: 6987 Seed: 197 K: 20 length: 120 G = 20, C = 41, A = 31, T = 28