Search code examples

How to filter a query based on dynamic number of parameters

How to handle a combination of parameters in a query based on user selections.

For Example:

public DataTable GetStudents(int fromYear,int toYear,int camp_code,int fac_code,int dep_code)
            StringBuilder cmdTxt = new StringBuilder();
            cmdTxt.Append(" SELECT register_no,name ");
            cmdTxt.Append(" FROM student WHERE year BETWEEN ? AND ? ");
            cmdTxt.Append(" AND camp_code = ?  AND fac_code = ? AND dep_code =? ");//Is a variable

            using (var myIfxCmd = new IfxCommand(cmdTxt.ToString(), con))
                myIfxCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("year1", IfxType.Integer);
                myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("year2", IfxType.Integer);
                if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                myIfxCmd.Parameters[0].Value = fromYear;
                myIfxCmd.Parameters[1].Value = toYear;

  • Organization contains set of camps.
  • Camp contains set of faculties.
  • Faculty contains set of departments.

In this code I want to control (int camp,int fac,int dep). If the user selects all camps then camp = 0 => The whole organization, So I want to ignore

" AND camp_code = ?  AND fac_code = ? AND dep_code =? "

And in this case I have just two parameters for fromYear,toYear

If the user selects a specific camp <> 0 and wants to select all faculties then fac_code = 0 => all faculties, So I want to ignore:

" AND fac_code = ? AND dep_code =? "

And in this case I have just three parameters for fromYear,toYear,camp_code

If the user selects a specific camp <> 0 and selects a specific faculty then wants to select all the departments under this fac then dep_code = 0 => all departments, So I want to ignore:

" AND dep_code =? "

And in this case I have just four parameters for fromYear,toYear,camp_code,fac_code

If the user selects all three arguments <> 0 then we will include every thing having 5 parameters.

I want to make it dynamic and flexible to meet these criteria. I solve it but overwhelmed by dozens of (IF-ELSE) statements.


  • I would do something similar to what kowie le roux suggested, only I believe it's the parameter that is zero, not the value in the database. As such, if you use yoda notation and an "in" clause, I think you can cause the where condition to be true if either the specified field matches or a zero-value was furnished:

    select register_no, name
    from student
      year between ? and ? and
      ? in (camp_code, 0) and
      ? in (fac_code, 0) and
      ? in (dep_code, 0)

    You would need to declare and assign all five parameters.

    Also, for what it's worth, I don't know what Ifx is -- Informix? If so, see if it supports named parameters. If it does, something like this helps make the code a lot more maintainable.

    string sql = @"
        select register_no, name
        from student
            year between @FROM and @THRU and
            @CAMP in (camp_code, 0) and
            @FAC in (fac_code, 0) and
            @DEP in (dep_code, 0)
    using (var myIfxCmd = new IfxCommand(sql, con))
        myIfxCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
        myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("@FROM", IfxType.Integer);
        myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("@THRU", IfxType.Integer);
        myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("@CAMP", IfxType.Integer);
        myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("@FAC", IfxType.Integer);
        myIfxCmd.Parameters.Add("@DEP", IfxType.Integer);

    The assignments would look the same from there.