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Increase workspace sizes in Papyrus

I try to stretch this sequence diagram (titled Interaction11) to place more elements on it, but the program does not let me do it. How can I edit the size of the diagram? (Remark: it's Eclipse Oxygen 4.9.2)enter image description here


  • There is probably a bug on this feature.

    My workarounds:

    • If you want to increase the horizontal size of the diagram, just add a lifeline and drag it to the side of the diagram.

    • If you want to increase the vertical size of the diagram, my workaround is to open the *.notation file of the Papyrus model and to change manually the "layoutConstraint" of a lifeline.

    For example: <layoutConstraint xmi:type="notation:Bounds" xmi:id="_Qom6FgLWEemGgOZiGDqIUw" x="74" y="10" height="4000"/>

