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How to test a Web Service with Watin

I'm trying to write a test that invokes a web service and tests it's results.

        public void should_display_correct_customer_when_DoCustomerSearch_is_invoked()
            using (var browser = new IE("http://localhost:61245/WebServices/CustomerSearch.asmx?op=DoCustomerSearch"))


                IE poppedUpBrowser = IE.AttachTo<IE>(Find.ByUrl("http://localhost:61245/WebServices/CustomerSearch.asmx/DoCustomerSearch"));

                Assert.IsTrue(poppedUpBrowser.ContainsText("Microsoft Corporation"));                

When I invoke the service through the browser, the results are displayed but when watin runs through the same test, the results page has a 500 server error.

Any help appreciated please.


  • Are you trying to test Web Service through WatiN?

    There are better ways to do that: you should rather test your logic in unit / integration tests. Those tests will execute much faster than WatiN.

    The HTTP 500 is returned by your web service - there is probably an exception being thrown from your code - check your logs or attach a debugger.