For some reason, I can't get maven surefire plugin to run my tests sequentially.
I use a redis mock ( in my tests, and it works great, but I get errors like
Cannot run program "/tmp/1494421531552-0/redis-server-2.8.19" (in directory "/tmp/1494421531552-0"): error=26, Text file busy
Which I looked up and found that it probably has something to do with tests running in parallel and its problematic with this mock.
Current my my maven looks like this
I want to make sure all my tests run sequentially (one after another) - that means that every test method of every class runs alone.
How can I achieve that?
The only way to ensure the order of the unit tests as far as i know is to have it in alphabetical order:
This being said, instead i think you need to define in each test an @After method that stops the redis mock (and actually wait until it is stopped), so that the new test can start up the redis mock in the @Before method without a conflict