I want to automatically deploy a jar to aws-lamda
whenever there is any change in the version of the jar in s3 bucket
For example:
There is one S3 bucket
say lambdadeploytest
and a Lamda function
name autoDeployTest
. I have stored an object test.jar
in lambdadeploytest
Whenever there is I upload a new version of the object test.jar
, test.jar
will be automatically deployed to autoDeployTest
lambda function.
You can do that with a lambda function ...
At high level the steps are
create a lambda function that will download the test.jar
and use the jar to create / update the autoDeployTest
lambda function.
configure your new lambda function to be triggered when test.jar
is modified on S3
configure the new lambda function with permissions to read your S3 bucket and to deploy code on Lambda.
You can follow this tutorial to create a lambda function that would be triggered by S3 events. This is the Lambda API your lambda function can call to update autodeployTest
Pseudo Code would be like this :
read JSON event object to get the bucket name and object name (bucket_name, test.jar)
download a copy of the object (test.jar) to the lambda container
(do additional check on the jar file if required)
call Lambda's UpdateFunctionCode to update autoDeployTest function code with the jar.