I want remove some value in from json. the json format is like this:
"cod": "200",
"message": 0.0135,
"cnt": 40,
"list": [
"dt": 1545598800,
"main": {
"temp": 267.03,
"temp_min": 258.629,
"temp_max": 267.03,
"pressure": 741.31,
"sea_level": 1034.85,
"grnd_level": 741.31,
"humidity": 72,
"temp_kf": 8.4
"weather": [
"id": 800,
"main": "Clear",
"description": "clear sky",
"icon": "01n"
I want remove some data from json . How can i remove id , icon in weather? I try this :
(ObjectNode) rootNode.get("list").get(i).get("weather")).remove("id");
but its not correct and this error happen:
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode cannot be cast to com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
The problem is rootNode.get("list").get(i).get("weather")
will return the weather
"weather": [
"id": 800,
"main": "Clear",
"description": "clear sky",
"icon": "01n"
Then get the first ObjectNode and remove id
(ObjectNode) rootNode.get("list").get(i).get("weather").get(0).remove("id");