I'm using qt-ros
based on qt4
to build applications.
But there is a problem that signal & slot
does not work.
The vlc-qt library I'm using provides a signal function called played, as shown in the link below. vlc-qt
I try to connect to the QMetaObject :: connectSlotsByName
method by creating the appropriate slot
function, but it does not work with the warning "No matching signal for".
in mainWindow.h
public Q_SLOTS:
void on_vListPlayer_played();
and in mainWindow.cpp
void MainWindow::on_vListPlayer_played()
ROS_INFO("player started!------------------------------");
MainWindow::MainWindow(int argc, char** argv, QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
, qnode(argc,argv)
ui.setupUi(this); // Calling this incidentally connects all ui's triggers to on_...() callbacks in this class.
// UI Init
QWidget* mainWidget = new QWidget(this);
mainWidget->setStyleSheet("background-color: black;");
QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
m_vVideoWidget = new VlcWidgetVideo;
m_vInstance = new VlcInstance(VlcCommon::args(), this);
m_vPlayer = new VlcMediaPlayer(m_vInstance);
vListPlayer = new VlcMediaListPlayer(m_vPlayer, m_vInstance);
QObject::connect(vListPlayer, SIGNAL(played()), this, SLOT(on_vListPlayer_played()));
m_vList = new VlcMediaList(m_vInstance);
in MediaListPlayer.h (vlc-qt lib)
class VLCQT_CORE_EXPORT VlcMediaListPlayer : public QObject
public Q_SLOTS:
void itemAt(int index);
void next();
void play();
void previous();
void stop();
void played();
void nextItemSet(VlcMedia *media);
void nextItemSet(libvlc_media_t *media);
void stopped();
You are using Qt Designer, the generated code (that is called by ui.setupUi(this);
) makes a call to QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(QObject *object)
As per Qt documentation this attempts to connect all slots with a name matching the following pattern: void on_<object name>_<signal name>(<signal parameters>);
As the slot void on_vListPlayer_played()
matches the pattern, an attempt to connect it is made. But fails because you do not have any object named vListPlayer
In your case I would suggest you rename your slots so that they do not match the pattern and do not get connected automatically.