I am reading my hand pose from a Leap Motion sensor and I want to calculate how fast the hand moves (by calculating derivativex = dx / dt
) in X
direction. My solution is to put 100 hand pose values in an array and keep updating this array with new values when new messages (msg->palmpos.x
) arrive in the callback function through topic leapmotion/data
My question is when I print the derivativex = dx / dt
with ROS_ERROR("Hello %f", "derivativex")
the output is always: 0
what I've been doing wrong? link for the topic that my callback is listening.
my call back function:
#include "geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.h"
#include "jog_msgs/JogJoint.h"
#include "jog_msgs/leapros.h"
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
namespace to_twist
class spaceNavToTwist
spaceNavToTwist() : spinner_(1)
joy_sub_ = n_.subscribe("leapmotion/data", 1, &spaceNavToTwist::joyCallback, this);
// Changed "spacenav/joy" to topic "/leapmotion/data"
twist_pub_ = n_.advertise<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>("jog_arm_server/delta_jog_cmds", 1);
joint_delta_pub_ = n_.advertise<jog_msgs::JogJoint>("jog_arm_server/joint_delta_jog_cmds", 1);
const int arraySize = 100;// constant variable can be used to specify array size
double vectorx[ arraySize ] = {};// initialize elements of array n to 0
int resolution = 10;
double derivativex = 0;
double dx = 0;
int dt = 0;
ros::NodeHandle n_;
ros::Subscriber joy_sub_;
ros::Publisher twist_pub_, joint_delta_pub_;
ros::AsyncSpinner spinner_;
// Convert incoming joy commands to TwistStamped commands for jogging.
void joyCallback(const jog_msgs::leapros::ConstPtr& msg)
for ( int count = 0; count < arraySize; ++count ) {// store the values of poses
vectorx[ count ] = msg->palmpos.x;
if (count>resolution) {
dx = vectorx[ count-1 ] - vectorx[ count-(resolution-1) ];
dt = resolution;
derivativex = dx / dt;
ROS_ERROR("Hello %f", derivativex);
if (count == arraySize) {
Issue 1: The log function ROS_ERROR is misused. You should pass a float instead of a string, otherwise, you will get an undefined behavior :
ROS_ERROR("Hello %f", derivativex); // <-- there is no double quotes.
Issue 2: derivative of X is always 0 because of the assignment at the beginning of the for loop:
for ( int count = 0; count < arraySize; ++count ) {// store the values of poses
//Could you please explain why the program needs this ???
vectorx[ count ] = msg->palmpos.x; // <-- every element in vectorx is set to this values (const in each function call).
if (count>resolution) {
dx = vectorx[ count-1 ] - vectorx[ count-(resolution-1) ]; // is the same as (msg->palmpos.x - msg->palmpos.x) --> 0
dt = resolution;
derivativex = dx / dt;
ROS_ERROR("Hello %f", derivativex);
if (count == arraySize) {
count = 0; //<-- never get here because of count is always lesser than arraySize
I guess that you want to append msg->palmpos.x to the vectorx ? You should use std::vector for vectorx, it will be much easier.
Here is the modified version of your program, using std::vector :
//add this to your file
#include <vector>
//Your program body ...
//As we are using C++, try to use C++ facilities if possible.
//const int arraySize = 100;// constant variable can be used to specify array size
//double vectorx[ arraySize ] = {};// initialize elements of array n to 0
std::vector<double> vectorx;
int resolution = 10;
int max_vector_size = 100; //keep 100 elements in the vectorx.
// Convert incoming joy commands to TwistStamped commands for jogging.
void joyCallback(const jog_msgs::leapros::ConstPtr& msg)
//store the x coordinate in the vectorx
vectorx.push_back( msg->palmpos.x );
if( vectorx.size() > resolution ){
int id_back = vectorx.size() - 1;
double dx = vectorx[id_back] - vectorx[ id_back - resolution ];
double dt = resolution;
derivativex = dx / dt;
ROS_ERROR("Hello %f", derivativex);
while(vectorx.size() > max_vector_size ) {
vectorx.erase( vectorx.begin() ); //remove the first element
}//eof joyCallback