Search code examples

AdminLTE v2.3.8. Datatable DateTime column sort

Consider this code (I use razor ASP.NET C# but it doesn't really matter). I'am able to sort all column but the last one is a datetime which is sorted as string. I just want to know if it is possible to have a sorting datetime column with AdminLTE datatables, with or without (better) adding plugins.

      <div class="table-responsive">
          <table id="tableClienti" class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
                      <th>Rag Soc</th>
                      <th>Ultimo Pass.</th>


                      foreach (var r in Model)
                              <td><b>@r.Citta @r.CAP</b><br /> @r.Indirizzo</td>
                              <td>@r.Email<br /> @r.Telefono</td>
                              <td><b>@r.NomeContatto<br /> @r.CognomeContatto</b></td>
                              <td>@r.EmailContatto<br /> @r.TelefonoContatto</td>


  $(function () {
        var table = $("#tableClienti").DataTable({
            paging: false,
            "sDom": '<"top"i>rt<"bottom"><"clear">',
            "scrollX": true,
            "scrollY": "45vh",
            "bSort": true


  • If you stumble upon this question, I solved after having issues using data-order.

    This link shows how data-order works but this comment found on same page was the key for me:

    Its important to notethat the data-* attributes with search() will only work if you use this on every COL!!! You can not mix it like:

    < tr>< td>Value1< /td>< /tr> < tr>< td data-search='Value 2 XYZ'>Value2< /td>< /tr> It seems the Plugin-Code always check the first row and then use this value for all search operations. Maybe for the future would be very cool if you can mix it ;):

    Best Regards Tom

    Previously, I tried to add data-order to < td> only if the "DateTime variable" was not null. Thanks to this comment I set data-order = "DateTime variable".Ticks when "DateTime variable" is not null and data-order = 0 when "DateTime variable" is null.

    So, I changed this piece of code


    in this way

       DateTime data; 
       if (DateTime.TryParse(r.DataUltimoPassaggio.ToString(), out data)) 
          <td data-order="@(data.Ticks)">@(data.ToString())</td> 
          <td data-order="0"></td> 