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How to store polygon2Dcollider points in an array or List

PolygonCollider2D can be composed of several paths (not only one) depending on the shape of the sprite it is applied on.

I am struggling to store all these coordinates, Vector2[], into one List.

Until now I was trying to access each path:

             for (int p=0; p<polygon1.pathCount; p++)
            polygonpoints = new Vector2[polygon1.GetPath(p).Length]; 
            polygonpoints = polygon1.GetPath(p);

Where polygon1 is my PolygonCollider2D and polygonPoints is a Vector2[]. polygons is a declared List[polygon1.pathcount]

Why can't I add these Vector2[] in my List ? What am I doing wrong?


  • I believe your list just needs to be type of .

    //Initialize the list with each element being a Vector2[] (Vec2 array)
    List<Vector2[]> polygons = new List<Vector2[]>();