Search code examples

negative axis values glitch the chart

I tried to create chart with some values on axis are being listed as expected considering data that is provided ( marked with red ) enter image description here

but what confuses me is when i provide negative values ( same values just added - ) it just shows 0 on axis enter image description here

is there possibility to create same behavior as I have on positive values when they are provided ni data, so it does not glitch when values are provided ?

$(function() {
  var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(

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here is a snippet of negative ( with glitch ) here is a same snippet just with positive (how axis values should be displayed)

Anyone know solution for this ? Thank you !


  • Remove the yAxis: "min:0" and it will create negative yAxis DataLabels for you. Please check

     "yAxis": [
      /*"min": 0,  remove this */
      "title": {
        "text": "store_sales",
        "customTitle": false,
        "style": {
          "color": "",
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