I want to create 3d tag cloud which pic the tags from the XML file. Any suggestion how can I do that? It could be in Javascript, JQuery, flash or any other client side technology. But it should integrate with asp.net. Please assist
Try any of the following:
JQuery: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/ajax/TagCloud.aspx JQuery: http://www.devirtuoso.com/2009/08/how-to-create-a-3d-tag-cloud-in-jquery/
ASP.Net MVC: http://www.wijix.com/post/Simple-Tag-Cloud-Implementation-for-ASPNET-MVC.aspx
Silverlight: http://blog.petergerritsen.nl/2009/02/14/creating-a-3d-tagcloud-in-silverlight-part-1/
These use blog engine.net code - but you could examine the code!!
ASP.Net - Flash: http://www.ugochirico.com/post/2010/09/29/A-3D-Flash-Tab-Cloud-for-BlogEngineNET.aspx
Try these answers as well
How to create rotating tag cloud in jQuery and 3D sphere tag cloud