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Handling tel: links in voip app

Is there any method in iOS (CallKit? perhaps) where a VoIP app can register to handle tel: links? That way when a user selects a phone number (in safari for instance). They would be presented with two options to complete the call.


  • This is supported in iOS these days if you press and hold on a tel: link. It doesn't use the standard URI scheme system, though. CallKit seems to automatically register your app as a handler of tel: links if you declare support for phone calls, and the link is passed through the following event:

    import Intents
    protocol SupportedStartCallIntent {
      var contacts: [INPerson]? { get }
    extension INStartAudioCallIntent: SupportedStartCallIntent {}
    extension INStartVideoCallIntent: SupportedStartCallIntent {}
    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, CXProviderDelegate {
      func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([Any]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
        let interaction = userActivity.interaction
        let startCallIntent = interaction?.intent as? SupportedStartCallIntent
        if let contact = startCallIntent?.contacts?.first?.displayName {
          // do what you want with 'contact'
        return true