I'm using RestSharp to programmatically build/make/deserialize a call to the Azure Maps API for batch geocoding. Currently testing the process with a 5 address batch--something I expected to go quickly after all the posts about "10k addresses in minutes." But a request I make successfully yesterday is still not available, only showing the "Accepted 202" status that the documentation says means it's still processing...and there's no outage showing at the status page.
I've replicated these calls and results using Postman, so I'm not sure there's a code problem per se...but it wouldn't be the first time I got tunnel vision and overlooked something obvious.
My POST call is generated with the code below, and returns an OK status with the necessary Location header with what looks like a valid link.
public RestRequest CreateBatchRequest()
var request = new RestRequest($"{_batchAddressEndpoint}subscription-key={_apiToken}", Method.POST);
request.AddQueryParameter("api-version", _version);
var batchRequestBody = GenerateQueryBatch();
var requestBodyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(batchRequestBody);
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
request.AddParameter("undefined", requestBodyJson, ParameterType.RequestBody);
return request;
protected AzureBatchRequest GenerateQueryBatch()
var requestBody = new AzureBatchRequest();
foreach (var address in Addresses)
var addressString = $"{address.Address}, {address.City}, {address.State}";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_country))
addressString = $"{address.Address}, {address.City}, {address.State}, {_country.ToUpper()}";
return requestBody;
This gives me a body parameter for the request that appears to match the documentation (actual addresses hidden for privacy reason, but they've been successfully geocoded with other services)...
"?query=123 MAIN ST, LOS ANGELES, CA&limit=3",
"?query=123 MAIN ST, PLEASANTVILLE, CA&limit=3",
"?query=123 MAIN ST, STOCKTON, CA&limit=3",
"?query=123 MAIN ST, SAN DIEGO, CA&limit=3",
"?query=123 MAIN ST, REDDING, CA&limit=3"
I get the Location header value and make the GET call with it using the code below...
public List<Coordinate> DeserializeBatchResponse(RestResponse response)
var batchLink = response.Headers.Where(header => header.Name.Equals("Location")).FirstOrDefault();
var request = new RestRequest(batchLink.Value.ToString(), Method.GET);
var batch = SendRequest(request);
if (batch.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
var isProcessing = true;
while (isProcessing)
request = new RestRequest(batchLink.Value.ToString(), Method.GET);
batch = SendRequest(request);
if (batch.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
isProcessing = false;
And it never leaves that loop. When I hardcode the URL returned from yesterday's POST request, it has the same behavior--as ditto when tried in Postman to isolate from the rest of my code.
Does anyone have any insight?
We discovered that after creating a new plan at a higher tier (the S1 rather than S0 tier) there was no noticeable delay on the batch calls. Still not a solution, per se, because that prices us out of the product for production purposes, but possibly a fix for others until the updates mentioned in the accepted answer come to fruition.
This is to be expected at the moment while in preview. This will be moving out of preview soon and will be significantly faster.