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Soap Message level security

I need to implement a java soap client with message level encryption. This will be running in a slightly older app that has some spring 3 controllers and jax-ws web services.

I need to add message level encryption and so far most of the hit on searches point to cxf. I didn't want to add another framework to the project.

There must be another way to do this.. This subject has been difficult to find good answers on.. any help is appreciated


  • The standard for SOAP message-level security is WS-Security, so you should use a WS-Security implementation. Since you are already using Spring, look at the Spring WS-Security extension: You would need to add the Gradle/Maven dependency spring-ws-security to your project.

    However, as far as I know, this Spring WS-security extension is quite limited compared to CXF, e.g. it does not support WS-Policy/WS-SecurityPolicy which allows to configure the security policy in a standard way. Also CXF is already integrated with Spring, so I recommend it on the long term. Check the doc if you are interested in the alternative: