I am using latest c# elastic search NEST library. I am trying to search with exact text match, but currently it is working searching for subset match. I want to do exact match. Following is my code snippet:
public User GetUserByUsername(string username)
var client = new ElasticConnectionManager(this.configuration).GetClient(Constant.IndexUsers);
var searchResponse = client.Search<User>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Bool(bq => bq
.Filter(f => f.Term(t => t.Username, username))
.Must(mt=>mt.Term(t2=> t2.Username, username)))));
//.Must(bs => bs.Term(t => t.Username, username))
if (searchResponse.Documents.Count > 0)
return searchResponse.Documents.First();
return null;
Try using the match_phrase query for exact text match. Your query should be similar to the following:
var searchResponse = client.Search<User>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.MatchPhrase(m => m
.Field(f => f.Username)