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Clojure: Recur anonymous function with different arity

Similar to Clojure recur with multi-arity I'd like recur with a different arity. But in my case, I define the function via a let, as I want to use another value from the let (file-list) without passing it:

(let [file-list (drive/list-files! google-drive-credentials google-drive-folder-id)
      download-file (fn
                       (download-file ; <-- attempt to recur
                         (fn []
                               (str name " not found on Google Drive"))))))
                      ([name not-found-fn]
                       (if-let [file (->> file-list
                                          (filter #(= (:original-filename %)
                         (drive/download-file! google-drive-credentials file)
  ;; #

I get this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: download-file in this context


  • You can give a local name to the fn:

    (let [download-file (fn download-file
                          ([name] (download-file name (fn ...))))

    you could also use letfn:

    (letfn [(download-file
              ([name] (download-file name (fn ...)))
              ([name not-found-fn] ...)])