I would like to use UIkit3's sortable to display thumbnails of images and then allow the user to re-order them by dragging/dropping them around. Once completed, I would like the user to press a button, which then calls a PHP function on the server with the the filenames of the images in the sorted order. How does that call look like on the client side?
You just have to use UIkit util to react when sortable stops, that means you finished sorting.
var util = UIkit.util;
util.ready(function () {
util.on(document.body, 'stop', function (e, sortable, el) {
console.log(e.type, sortable, el); //this if for the reference
//get the elements order in your grid
var sortResult = { elementsOrder: [] };
$('#myGridWithElements > div').each(function () {
var currentEl = $(this)
var currentElSrc = $('img', currentEl).attr('src'); //src of image inside the div context
$.post( "/admin/save_order",{data: sortResult}).done(function( data ) {
alert('Yes, you\'ve saved the data');
}).fail(function(data) { alert('Something gone wrong');});
I've got inspired with the sortable test page https://getuikit.com/assets/uikit/tests/sortable.html