I am new to MVVM architecture
and i just want to know how to communicate between repository class
and the UI (activity/fragment) class
.I came across with live data which is doing this job for updating same entities from both (remote and room database)
For example : 1) If i have entity named User. I can save and the observe it using live data like below : (from android developers website).
public class UserRepository {
private final Webservice webservice;
private final UserDao userDao;
private final Executor executor;
public UserRepository(Webservice webservice, UserDao userDao, Executor executor) {
this.webservice = webservice;
this.userDao = userDao;
this.executor = executor;
public LiveData<User> getUser(String userId) {
// Returns a LiveData object directly from the database.
return userDao.load(userId);
private void refreshUser(final String userId) {
// Runs in a background thread.
executor.execute(() -> {
// Check if user data was fetched recently.
boolean userExists = userDao.hasUser(FRESH_TIMEOUT);
if (!userExists) {
// Refreshes the data.
Response<User> response = webservice.getUser(userId).execute();
// Check for errors here.
// Updates the database. The LiveData object automatically
// refreshes, so we don't need to do anything else here.
2) But how can we do this in other API'S like (login) which does not need live data but i just want to show or hide progress dialog depend on the network success or error messages.
public void isVerifiedUser(int userId){
executor.execute(() -> {
// making request to server for verifying user
Response<User> response = webservice.getVerifyUser(userId).execute();
// how to update the UI like for success or error.
//update the progress dialog also in UI class
You need to make isVerifiedUser()
return a liveData which you can observe inside the viewModel related to that UI(activity/fragment).
1. Inside Repository:
public LiveData<State> isVerifiedUser(int userId){
MutableLiveData<State> isVerified = new MutableLiveData();
executor.execute(() -> {
Response<User> response = webservice.getVerifyUser(userId).execute();
// Update state here.
return isVerified;
2. ViewModel:
public ViewModel(final Repository repository) {
//observe userId and trigger isVerifiedUser when userId value is changed
stateLiveData = Transformations.map(userId, new Function<>() {
public RepoMoviesResult apply(Integer userId) {
return repository.isVerifiedUser(userId);
3. Activity:
viewModel.getStateLiveData ().observe(this, new Observer<>() {
public void onChanged(State state) {
//do something here
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