Search code examples

Unable to launch native Google Maps within the iOS app - Safari opens instead

I'm having trouble launching a Google Maps app from within the iPhone app. While the app is installed on device, the code launches a Web version of the Google Maps in Safari. On the other hand, Apple Maps native app launches successfully.

Here is the code I'm using:

@IBAction func openMap(_ sender: Any) {
  let lat: Double = -37.8218956215849
  let long: Double = 144.9599325656891

  let appleString = "\(lat),\(long)" // Apple Maps - successfully launches an app
  let googleString = "\(lat)%2C\(long)" // Google Maps - launches a Web version
  let selectedString: String = googleString // Change accordingly
  let url = URL(string: selectedString)!, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

I suppose, the problem is ridiculously simple, however I still haven't figured out how to fix it.


Even the Google's example doesn't work on iOS 12 Beta 2:, the issue might be linked with the usage of the Beta software.


  • This issue seems to be fixed on last iOS release (12.1.2). And now the following link work on iPhone:,-0.08225500000003194

    As alternative solution to /dir api that works on iOs you can use /search :{your_lat},{your_lon},77.2090