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OpenLayers 4 ruler

I'm refactoring the whole code of the app with modules and I'm having some problem with the Ruler function of OpenLayers 4 now.

In the previous code was working OK, but now when I double click on the map to stop the current measure and start a new one, the only thing left in the screen is the popup, the line (the line of what I was measuring before) is removed.

Here my code:

const initVector = (mapView) => {
   * vector layers sources
  $('.form-inline').click(function () {

  let Rsource = new ol.source.Vector()

  let rulerLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
    source: Rsource,
    style: new{
      fill: new{
        color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'
      stroke: new{
        color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',
        width: 3
      image: new{
        radius: 7,
        fill: new{
          color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'
   * ruler tool handler

   * global vars

  // this style is done by javascript to bypass the override rule that enter in conflict with FRA
  $('.markers button').css({'margin': '5px 7px', 'padding': '0 10px'})
  $('#markloc').css('margin-left', '5px')

  // these var are for the creation of the text and all the related element during the measure
  let sketch
  let helpTooltipElement
  let helpTooltip
  let measureTooltipElement
  let measureTooltip
  let ruler

   * pointer handler

  const pointerMoveHandler = (evt) => {
     * if the mouse is dragging the map return

    if (evt.dragging) {

     * default message to display

    let helpMsg = 'Click to start drawing'

     * check the message if you are measuring

    if (sketch) {
      helpMsg = 'Click to continue drawing the line or double click to stop.'

     * attach to the tooltip the correct message
     * set the position near the mouse cursor
     * display the tooltip

    helpTooltipElement.innerHTML = helpMsg

   * display the actual measured length

  function formatLength (line) {
    const length = ol.Sphere.getLength(line)
    let output

    if (length > 100) {
      output = `${Math.round(length / 1000 * 100) / 100} km`
    else {
      output = `${Math.round(length * 100) / 100} m`
    return output

   * create a new tooltip

  function createHelpTooltip () {
    helpTooltipElement = document.createElement('div')
    helpTooltipElement.className = 'tooltip hidden'
    helpTooltip = new ol.Overlay({
      element: helpTooltipElement,
      offset: [15, 0],
      positioning: 'center-left'

   * Creates a new measure tooltip

  function createMeasureTooltip () {
    measureTooltipElement = document.createElement('div')
    measureTooltipElement.className = 'tooltip tooltip-measure'
    measureTooltip = new ol.Overlay({
      element: measureTooltipElement,
      offset: [0, -15],
      positioning: 'bottom-center'

   * add the ruler when you click on the button

  function addRuler () {
     * add a selected class to the ruler button to make it visible that it's in use


     * styling ruler

    ruler = new ol.interaction.Draw({
      source: Rsource,
      type: 'LineString',
      style: new{
        stroke: new{
          color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
          lineDash: [10, 10],
          width: 2
        image: new{
          radius: 5,
          stroke: new{
            color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)'

     * call the pointerMoveHandler to create the element on the screen when the ruler it's in use

    mapView.on('pointermove', pointerMoveHandler)

     * mouseout event listener to hidden the popup

    mapView.getViewport().addEventListener('mouseout', () => {

     * add the ruler interaction to the map


     * create the tooltip


    let listener

     * drawstart event

    ruler.on('drawstart', function (evt) {
      // set sketch
      sketch = evt.feature
      // tooltip coordinate
      let tooltipCoord = evt.coordinate

       * sketch event listener on change
       * called during a mouse move

      listener = sketch.getGeometry().on('change', function (evt) {
        let geom =

         * as we don't use polygon we check justfor line
         * get last position of the cursor and the length

        let output

        // OL 5 CODE
        // if (geom instanceof LineString)

        if (geom instanceof ol.geom.LineString) {
          output = formatLength(geom)
          tooltipCoord = geom.getLastCoordinate()

         * append to the tooltip the measure
         * set the position of the tooltip to the last cursor coord

        measureTooltipElement.innerHTML = output
    }, this)

     * drawend event

    ruler.on('drawend', () => {
       * create the static tooltip with the last measure

      measureTooltipElement.className = 'tooltip tooltip-static'
      measureTooltip.setOffset([0, -7])

       * set sketch and the tooltip element to null

      sketch = null
      measureTooltipElement = null

       * set sketch and the tooltip element to null

      // OL 5 code
      // unByKey(listener);
    }, this)

     * end addRuler function

const mapLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
  source: new ol.source.OSM()

let map = new ol.Map({
  layers: [mapLayer],
  target: 'map',
  view: new ol.View({
    center: [0, 0],
    zoom: 10

the link to the pen so you can test it: (pen deleted)

and here how should work:

Notice that I created a function to initialise the ruler to simulate the module, as my map is created inside a module and the ruler in another, in the map module then I import that function and I initialise it with the map variable


  • Thanks to @Mike that answer me in Gis.stackexchange.

    In initVector after creating rulerLayer you need to add it to the map map.addLayer(rulerLayer);

    A very small error.