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How can I use Istio to create service aliases?

According to the Istio documentation, VirtualServices should be able to route requests to "a completely different service than was requested". I would like to use this feature give services different aliases in different applications.

I'm starting with a VirtualService definition like this:

kind: VirtualService
  name: my-vs
  - my-alias
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: my-service

The intention is that a client pod in the mesh should be able to send requests to http://my-alias and have them routed to my-service. In the future I'll expand this with match rules to make the alias behave differently for different clients, but even the simple version isn't working.

With no other setup, the client fails to resolve my-alias via DNS. I can solve this by adding a selectorless k8s service named my-alias so its DNS resolves, but then the VirtualService doesn't seem to do the redirect. If I add an external host like to the VirtualService, then it does successfully redirect any requests to over to my-service. Using the full hostname (my-alias.default.svc.cluster.local) doesn't help.

So it seems like the VirtualService is not allowing me to redirect traffic bound for another service in the mesh. Is this expected, and is there a way I can work around it?


  • The problem ended up being that I was using unnamed ports for my services, so traffic never made it into the mesh. According to, the HTTP port must be named http.