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Before save, prompt message box with yes/no/cancel. Yes calls Macro, No continues to save, Cancel exits sub

I already have a successful "custom save" macro to save-as with a date stamp. I just want to have a message box ask to run it when someone tries to manually save. I essentially need "yes" to run the macro, "no" to save normally, and "cancel" to exit sub.

However, whenever I file>save, or ctrl+s, it just saves without prompting.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
    answer = MsgBox("Would you rather Save-As copy with date stamp?", vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, "You are overwriting the document!")

    If answer = vbYes Then
        Call filesave
    ElseIf answer = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub


  • You need to set the Cancel from the sub procedure's arguments to True in order to halt the current save operation.

    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
        Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
        answer = msgbox("Would you rather Save-As copy with date stamp?", vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, "You are overwriting the document!")
        If answer = vbYes Then
            'Cancel the current standard save operation
            Cancel = True
            Call filesave
        ElseIf answer = vbNo Then
            'don't do anything; the standard save operation will proceed
            'Cancel the current standard save operation
            Cancel = True
        End If
    End Sub