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Spring boot jpa accessing secondary datasource via entity manager

I have 2 datasources. The primary DB is well-written, so I use it with JPA for multiple query. Instead the secondary datasource use a really ugly database, but I need to do only one big query (and no other operations). Following this link I was able to set the secondary datasource (on weblogic), so now my goal is call a native query on secondary datasource.

Here my code:



Spring boot main:

public class BemonitorcaaApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {
        return builder.sources(BemonitorcaaApplication.class);

I added the class below for handling multiple datasource:

public class DatasourceConfig {
    private String primaryJndiName;

    private String secondaryJndiName;

    private JndiDataSourceLookup lookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();

    @Bean(destroyMethod = "") // destroy method is disabled for Weblogic update app ability
    public DataSource primaryDs() {
        return lookup.getDataSource(primaryJndiName);

    @Bean(name = "sguDs", destroyMethod = "") // destroy method is disabled for Weblogic update app ability
    public DataSource secondaryDs() {
        return lookup.getDataSource(secondaryJndiName);

The controller:

    public class IapaController {
        IapaService iapaService;
        EntityManager em;
        public List<String> test2ndDS() {
            List<String> itemList = em.createQuery("Select a.text ......." )
                    .getResultList();   //Not working   
            return itemList ;
        public List<IapaTipiAndamenti> test1stDS() {
            return iapaService.test1stDS(); //This is working, here for example I will use a typical jpa findAll

//...other jpa methods for the primary datasource

The entity manager is not working, I tried to add the entity manager configuration inside DatasourceConfig but it doesn't work. (For example I don't have a package to scan, because I do only a native query on the secondary datasource, that return a primitive type, so no domain or repository classes.)

How can I fix the entity manager? (I'm using Spring boot 1.5.17.RELEASE)


  • Hello you can use a simple JdbcTemplate object with your second datasource like

    public class DatasourceConfig {
        private String primaryJndiName;
        private String secondaryJndiName;
        private JndiDataSourceLookup lookup = new JndiDataSourceLookup();
        @Bean(destroyMethod = "") // destroy method is disabled for Weblogic update app ability
        public DataSource primaryDs() {
            return lookup.getDataSource(primaryJndiName);
        @Bean(name = "sguDs", destroyMethod = "") // destroy method is disabled for Weblogic update app ability
        public DataSource secondaryDs() {
            return lookup.getDataSource(secondaryJndiName);
        public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(){
          return new JdbcTemplate(secondaryDs());

    And then in your controller try:

    public class IapaController {
        IapaService iapaService;
        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
        public List<String> test2ndDS() {
            String query = "Select * ....";
            List<String> itemList = (List<String>) jdbcTemplate.queryForList(query, String.class);   
            return itemList ;
        public List<IapaTipiAndamenti> test1stDS() {
            return iapaService.test1stDS(); //This is working, here for example I will use a typical jpa findAll
    //...other jpa methods for the primary datasource