I have a Post
schema with the virtual field children
that I currently am populating by running a second query after first getting my Post
Initial query to get the Post
post = Post |> Repo.get(id)
then I run a second query to get its children and update the virtual children
children_query =
from(p in Post,
where: fragment("hierarchy <@ ?", ^post.hierarchy),
order_by: p.inserted_at
children = Repo.all(children_query)
post = Map.merge(post, %{children: children})
The hierarchy field is stored as an Ltree in the db and has the type of :string
in the schema.
Is there any way that I could combine these queries into one? I tried to work with the Ecto subquery/2 function but haven't been able to grok it.
I tried this but couldn't figure out how to pass the Post
(p in this case) into the children subquery without getting the error that the variable p is undefined
on the join line.
def children_query(post) do
from p in Post,
where: fragment("hierarchy <@ ?", ^post.hierarchy),
order_by: v.inserted_at
def get_post(p_id) do
from(p in Post,
where: p.id == ^p_id,
join: c in subquery(children_query(p)),
on: p.id == c.id, # not sure how it would join on
select: %{p | children: c}
I want to figure this out because it becomes very inefficient when showing the Post
index page and having to run an additional children query for every post that is listed.
I suppose the subquery cannot be parametrized that way because it’s to be executed before the main query. One could move both conditions to be in the main query.
children =
from(p in Post,
join: s in subquery(from p in Post),
where: p.id == ^p_id and fragment("? <@ ?", s.hierarchy, p.hierarchy),
select: [s, p])
The above produces a bit redundant result with Post
glued to each of its children, but I did not manage to make it better.
Now you only need to split the result.
{post, children} =
case Repo.all(children) do
[[_, post] | _] = result -> {post, Enum.map(result, &hd/1)}
[] -> {Repo.get(Post, p_id), []}
The latter query is needed since when there are no children, the join returns an empty set.