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Geth stuck syncing on the last 80 blocks

On Windows 10, on my command prompt, I go

> geth --rinkeby Which start to sync my node with the network

On another command prompt, I go

> geth --rinkeby attach ipc:\\.\pipe\geth.ipc

And then

> eth.syncing

which gives


currentBlock: 3500871,

highestBlock: 3500955,

knownStates: 25708160,

pulledStates: 25680474,

startingBlock: 3500738


As you can see, I am always behind from the highest block by about 80. I've heard this is normal for the testnet. I created an account on Rinkeby and requested ether via the faucet: I also tried but can't get ether.

On the geth console, I can show my account which gives

> eth.accounts


and viewing the balance I get:


I don't know if this is due to my node being 80 blocks behind the highest node...?

Edit: It may be worth adding that I created a symbolic link from my AppData/Roaming/Ethereum on my C drive to another folder on my D drive as I was running out of space. (Don't know if that effects my sync)


  • I guess you faced with a problem known as "not sync last 65 blocks"

    Q: I'm stuck at 64 blocks behind mainnet?!

    A: As explained above, you are not stuck, just finished with the block download phase, waiting for the state download phase to complete too. This latter phase nowadays take a lot longer than just getting the blocks.

    For more information