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how to implement fluent builder with inheritance in java


I want to create a class with a fluent builder, both of which can be inherited and extended. Base class should have all the common and mandatory fields, children should have different optional fields

simple example below (best, simplistic usecase I could come up with ;p)

base: Animal

    static Builder

impl: Snake extends Animal

    static Builder extends Animal.Builder

impl: Spider extends Animal

    static Builder extends Animal.Builder

and I'd like to use it in one of those ways (most preferred one is the first one):

Spider elvis ="elvis").age(1).numberOfLegs(8).build();
Spider elvis = Spider.builder().name("elvis").age(1).numberOfLegs(8).build();
Spider elvis = new Spider.Builder().name("elvis").age(1).numberOfLegs(8).build();

what I want to achieve is

  • user of this builder will have to provide some minimal information (so the system can work without problems), otherwise he won't be able to build that object
  • all the optional fields can be declared, with no particular order, after mandatory fields are there
  • it is possible that I'll need to add some mandatory fields for children, but that can be handled with ease by just changing the first method called in the builder
    • I don't want to have any casts outside those classes (here: in Main), but I don't mind them inside this code (here: in Animal or Spider)

so far I failed and I'd be very grateful if you could please help me find a way out of it :) or maybe there is just a different approach that I should think about?

most valuable sources I used
Generic fluent Builder in Java

work done so far

the code so far can be found below. there are some traces of the things I tried and failed, there are some unused or just weird stuff (best example is IBuildImpl). Those are left to give you an understanding of what I tried, but if you think that this needs moderation - please let me know and I'll clean them up


package fafafa;

public abstract class Animal<T> {
    String name; //mandatory field, one of many
    Integer age; //mandatory field, one of many

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String toString() {
        return "Animal{" +
                "name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", age='" + age + '\'' +

    interface IName {
        IAge name(String name);

    interface IAge {
        IBuild age(Integer age);

    interface IBuild<T extends Animal<T>> {
        T build();

    public abstract static class Builder<T extends Animal<T>, B extends Builder<T, B>>
            implements IName, IAge, IBuild<T> {
        protected T objectBeingBuilt;

        protected abstract B that();
        protected abstract T createEmptyObject();

            this.objectBeingBuilt = createEmptyObject();

        public IAge name(String name) {
   = name;
            return that();

        public IBuild age(Integer age) {
            objectBeingBuilt.age = age;
            return that();

//        @Override
//        public T build() {
//            return objectBeingBuilt;
//        }



package fafafa;

public class Spider extends Animal<Spider> {
    Integer numberOfLegs; //optional field, one of many

    private Spider() {

    public Integer getNumberOfLegs() {
        return numberOfLegs;

    public String toString() {
        return "Spider{" +
                "numberOfLegs='" + numberOfLegs + '\'' +
                "} " + super.toString();

//    public static Builder<Spider, Builder> name(String name) {
//        return (Builder) new Builder().name(name);
//    }

    interface INumberOfLegs {
        IBuild numberOfLegs(Integer numberOfLegs);

    interface IBuildImpl extends IBuild<Spider>, INumberOfLegs {
        Spider build();

    public static class Builder extends Animal.Builder<Spider, Builder> implements IBuildImpl {

        protected Builder that() {
            return this;

        protected Spider createEmptyObject() {
            return new Spider();

        public IBuild numberOfLegs(Integer numberOfLegs) {
            objectBeingBuilt.numberOfLegs = numberOfLegs;
            return that();

        public Spider build() {
            return objectBeingBuilt;


package fafafa;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Spider build = new Spider.Builder().name("elvis")
                .numberOfLegs(8) //cannot resolve method numberOfLegs


  • The problem of your code is the interface:

    interface IAge {
        IBuild age(Integer age);

    This will always return the basic IBuild interface with no parameter, no matter, if the implementation implements it with some argument. Actually even returning it with the parameter wouldn't extend the builder with additional methods.

    1. The parameter in the builder needs to be the extended builder, and not the type to be built.
    2. All interfaces for the common parameters need to be parametrized with it to allow propper continuation.

    Here is a suggestion: 1. Don't use IName interface. Replace it with static entry method of the builder 2. Parametrize IAge interface 3. No common builder needed. It can be replaced with inline lambda implementation

    Here is the code:

    public interface IAge<B> {
        B age(Integer age);
    public class AnimalBuilder implements IBuild<Animal> {
        private final String name;
        private final Integer age;
        private Integer numberOfLegs;
        private AnimalBuilder(String name, Integer age) {
   = name;
            this.age = age;
        // Builder entry method
        public static IAge<AnimalBuilder> name(String name) {
            return age -> new AnimalBuilder(name, age);
        public AnimalBuilder numberOfLegs(int value) {
            numberOfLegs = value;
            return this;
        public Animal build() {
            return new Animal(name, age, numberOfLegs);

    This allows following usage:"elvis").age(1).numberOfLegs(8).build();