I have two entities within a relationship
tag <-m:n-> software
and I want to delete all softwares which are not links to tags anymore after deleting particular tag. I write the HQL query for that..
i use playframework
my overridden Tag.delete()
public Tag delete() {
Tag t = null;
// t = super.delete(); // commented for now
// it should delete ONLY that softwares which are not linked with tags (tags is empty)
Query q = Tag.em().createQuery("delete from Software s where s.tags is empty ");
return t;
my test:
public void testDelete() throws InterruptedException {
Tag tag1 = new Tag("tag1").save();
Tag tag2 = new Tag("tag2").save();
Author author1 = new Author("name", "email").save();
Software s1 = new Software("soft1", "description1", author1, tag1).save(); // this should be deleted when tag1 is deleting
Software s2 = new Software("soft2", "description2", author1, tag1, tag2).save(); // this should be deleted, because it links to tag2
// checks, just in case:
Software ss = Software.findById(s1.id);
assertEquals(1, ss.tags.size());
// try to find the software
assertEquals(1, Software.findAll().size()); // here it faults, it deletes all!!!
now i have the problem that it deletes ALL softwares, even if they have links to tag.
but i get SQL which is formed from HQL it is like:
delete from Software where not (exists (select tag.id from Tag_Software ts, Tag tag where Software.id=ts.softwares_id and ts.tags_id=tag.id))
and it is good SQL (i checked it), but why all this does not work as HQL in my context...?
my test says:
Failure, expected:<1> but was:<0>
the code for two classes are:
public class Tag extends Model {
@Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
public String title;
public Tag(String title) {
this.title = title;
public List<Software> softwares = new LinkedList<Software>();
public class Software extends Model {
public String title;
public String description;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
public Author author;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "softwares")
public List<Tag> tags = new LinkedList<Tag>();
There are multiples ways:
`softwares.size = 0
size(softwares) = 0 `
you can read this to learn more about them: