I am saving session variable in login page,
Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid();
Response.Cookies.Append("sessionId", sessionId.ToString());
Now I access this variable like this:
string sessionId = Request.Cookies["sessionId"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionId) && sessionId.Equals(HttpContext.Session.GetString("sessionId")))
return RedirectToPage("/LoggedIn/Index");
return Page();
This code I use on the same razor page (login page) in which session Id is declared, however if I use the above code in any other razor view page, I cannot access this session variable. It is only accessible on the same page it was saved.
What can I possibly be doing wrong ?
I had to change the entire context of my previous comment. Here is the "Correct Answer".
Just make sure you have checked below steps:
memory is configured for caching.services.AddSession()
you've configured session.app.UseSession()
must be called after app.UseCookiePolicy()
and before app.UseMvc()
.**Note that a RedirectToPage()
call does not affect/change session variables at all. **
These steps look basic but actually step 3 is the answer you're looking for. Your code looks absolutely fine.
Here's the Middleware Ordering as outlined by Rick Anderson and Steve Smith https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/middleware/index?view=aspnetcore-2.2#order
Sometimes the problem might be caused by CheckConsentNeeded = context => true
being set to true when you configure your CookiePolicyOptions. Just set it to false if you have <CookiePolicyOptions>
configured. If you want to leave it as true you must then configure cookie
and set Cookie.IsEssential = true;
Then the session will survive any redirect action.