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annotation with parameter for aspect

I have an aspect usable with an annotation:

public @interface DumpToFile {


And the join point:

public class DumpToFileAspect {

  public Object logExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {

    // I likte to read out a parameter from the annotation...
    Object proceed = joinPoint.proceed();


    return proceed;

I can use the aspect successfully on a method with @DumpToFile; however, I would like to pass a parameter to the annotation and retrieve it's value inside my aspect.
Eg. @DumpToFile(fileName="mydump"). Can anybody show me how to do that?


  • You should be able to pass the annotation interface to the interceptor method. I haven't tried myself though.

    public @interface DumpToFile {
          String fileName() default "default value";

    In DumpToFileAspect -

    public class DumpToFileAspect {
      public Object logExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, DumpToFile dtf) throws Throwable {
        // I likte to read out a parameter from the annotation...
        System.out.println(dtf.fileName); // will print "fileName"
        Object proceed = joinPoint.proceed();
        return proceed;