Put it simple I want to make small currency exchange app (pet project- I want free API( 1000 requests per month including more currency is a perfect option)). I dont like the free APIs I have found so far but I have found this website https://bg.coinmill.com/ and I wanna use it for my purpose. Reading an answer to similar question:
The only way to make use of JS in Flutter is using WebView.
Dart compiles to JS only for browser applications, for Flutter it compiles >to native machine code.
convert js code direcly to dart, using package js
package JS doesn't convert JS, it just creates proxies for JS functions to >be able to call them from Dart, but that is also only supported in Dart web >applications.
Put it simple it isn't possible without hitting some compilation errors and some workarounds. However https://github.com/pichillilorenzo/flutter_inappbrowser looks promissing. Embedding the webpage that will look ugly and I won't have any control over ui/settings. My options now are looking for another free currency API or trying to find a workaround. I incline for another API, but not sure which one. Any suggestions ?
So basically what you actually want to do is use that website to do the currency conversion in the background (enter value, press "Convert"), then display the result in your Flutter app? You don't need javascript for that.
After entering pressing the submit button, the site simply redirects you to a different page (GET request) with an URL like this:
Use dart's http
library to perform the same request with the right currency/value parameters. The result of the request contains the source code of the web page.
Instead of displaying the web page, you just need to read the value you need from the source code of the web page:
<div id="currencyBox1">
<input class="currencyField" ... value="16.46" ...>
<a href="/USD_calculator.html">САЩ долар (USD)</a>