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Issues creating, updating and retrieving data from Wowza Streaming Engine using PHP REST API?

I am getting started with the Wowza PHP Library and I am having trouble connecting to the streaming engine i have installed locally. As directed from, I installed composer, created the config file with my server host and authentication settings


define("WOWZA_SERVER_INSTANCE", "_defaultServer_");
define("WOWZA_VHOST_INSTANCE", "_defaultVHost_");
define("WOWZA_USERNAME", "admin");
define("WOWZA_PASSWORD", "admin");

Then when trying tests to retrieve data from the server for example:



require_once ('vendor/autoload.php');

// It is simple to create a setup object for transporting our settings
$setup = new Com\Wowza\Entities\Application\Helpers\Settings();

$sf = new Com\Wowza\Statistics($setup);
// get stats per application
$wowzaApplication = new Com\Wowza\Application($setup, 'vod');
// get total server stats
$server = new Com\Wowza\Server($setup, 'http://localhost:8087/v2');
$response = $sf->getServerStatistics($server);
// get stats historical for given application
// $response = $sf->getApplicationStatisticsHistory($wowzaApplication);
// $response = $sf->getApplicationStatistics($wowzaApplication);
// get incoming stream stats for given application


I get the error

object(stdClass)#8 (4) { ["message"]=> string(40) "The request requires user authentication" ["code"]=> string(3) "401" ["wowzaServer"]=> string(5) "4.7.7" ["success"]=> bool(false) } 

I have triple checked to confirm the credentials I am using match those of the servers but cant figure out what I am doing wrong


  • One thing I notice: In your settings you don't set a value for "useDigest". So it defaults to false (see Then when you call getServerStatistics() eventually it calls "sendRequest()" in the Wowza class (see And in this class, it only adds username and password to the request if "useDigest" is set to true in the settings:

    if ($this->settings->isUseDigest()) {
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->settings->getUsername() . ':' . $this->settings->getPassword());
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_DIGEST);

    So I think it's not attaching the username and password to your request at all.

    Therefore I suggest you add


    to your code when you're configuring the Settings object, and that should help.