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How to get changes of embeddable?

I'm having an Entity with an embedded Entity in spring boot.

Now when my embedded entity has changes and I query my Entity for changes the changes are not in the change list.

public class TaskEntity {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;
    private LockSettingsEmbeddable lockSettings;

public class LockSettingsEmbeddable {
    private boolean locked;
    private TaskLock lockSetting;

List<Change> changes = javers.findChanges(QueryBuilder.byInstanceId(taskId, TaskEntity.class).build());
        List<Change> modifiableList = new ArrayList<>(changes);
        modifiableList.sort((o1, o2) -> -1 * o1.getCommitMetadata().get().getCommitDate().compareTo(o2.getCommitMetadata().get().getCommitDate()));

        return javers.getJsonConverter().toJson(modifiableList);


  • Just enable the withChildValueObject filter, see