i am trying to allow only decimal on paper-input. Below are my conditions.
should not allow e should allow +, - Eg: -23.43 should allow only 12 value after DOT(in decimal) eg: 107.123456789012
so i tried below regex but both not working.
<paper-input allowed-pattern="^(?!-0(\.0+)?$)-?(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.\d+)?$">
the above regex only integers, its not accepting decimal. So tried below one. its working fine. But not sure how to restrict decimal. i want to allow only 12 values after DOT(decimal)
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[-.\d]"> </paper-input>
<paper-input pattern="[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}"></paper-input>
* For this input “EN123456” is a valid value,
* but "EN123456 " or " EN123456" are invalid values
* because there are extra characters
* and value doesn't match a pattern
// accepts letters only
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[a-zA-Z]"></paper-input>
// accepts digits only
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[0-9]"></paper-input>
// accepts nothing, because one character cannot match this pattern
<paper-input allowed-pattern="[0-9][A-Z]"></paper-input>
Just should use:
<paper-input pattern="^(?!-0(?:\.0+)?$)-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?$">
I've also change capture grops into non-capture groups, it's more efficient.